Catalan Parliament bureau members get 20-month ban from office

  • They heve been convicted by the Catalan High Court for allowing MPs to vote on independence laws in 2017

Before the hearing, July 2020
VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency
19.10.2020 - 12:19
Actualització: 19.10.2020 - 14:19

The Catalan High Court has handed down a 20-month ban from office to four Catalan politicians who served as parliament bureau members during the 2017 independence push for the crime of disobedience. Lluís Corominas, Anna Simó, Lluís Guinó, and Ramona Barrufet were found guilty of defying orders from Spain’s Constitutional Court for allowing MPs to vote on laws pursuing independence that had been deemed illegal. They were also fined 30,000 euros each.

The fifth defendant in the case, former MP from the far-left CUP party, Mireia Boya, was cleared of all charges. The court concluded that she did not play a role in the actions for which her colleagues were sentenced as she did not have a position that would have allowed her to intervene against voting on the measures and because she did not receive a warning from the Constitutional Court either.

The trial of Joan Josep Nuet, who was also a parliament bureau member at the time, is yet to take place. As an MP in the Spanish Congress for Esquerra Republicana, his case must be considered by Spain’s Supreme Court.

Carme Forcadell, the former parliament speaker, was sentenced by the Supreme Court in October 2019 to 11 years behind bars for the crime of sedition.


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