Assumpció Maresma
Elisenda Paluzie: “Getting over 50 per cent of the vote in the elections would contribute to achieving independence unilaterally”
The president of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) remains coy about whether she will run for a second term

David Ros: 'People who know about these things say this is torture'
Interview with the uncle of Jordi Ros, one of the political prisoners arrested on 23 September 2019 in Catalonia and held since then in Soto del Real prison, Madrid.

Lluís Llach: 'A guilty verdict will mean the assassination of the Spanish constitution by those who defend it'
Interview with the political activist, former singer and songwriter, about the political situation in Catalonia

Amadeu Altafaj: ‘EU accession will coincide with the proclamation of independence’
Interview with the Catalan government’s permanent representative to the EU · Catalonia is in a position to maintain EU membership come independence, he says

Oriol Amat: ‘Catalan independence under EU tutelage is a feasible option’
The renowned economist will be a candidate for Junts pel Sí, the electoral list put forth by ERC and CDC