Racist Catalans? The xenophobia lie
Data analyst Joe Brew shows why the Catalan pro-independence movement is not xenophobic

Data analyst Joe Brew shows why the Catalan pro-independence movement is not xenophobic
Data analysis shows that a federalist or decentralizing reform would be highly unpopular among Spaniards
Catalanophobia is much more widespread than hispanophobia
Catalans might not agree on independence but they are overwhelmingly in favour of a self-determination referendum
Data analyst Joe Brew explains the root and the reasons of Catalonia-Spain political crisis
Data analyst Joe Brew shows that there is a relationship between more interest or more degree of information on politics with more support for independence
Data analyst Joe Brew sets out the data on the increase and support for independence before and after 1-O between different population groups
Data analyst Joe Brew shows in a map all deaths in Mediterranean since 2014
Data analyst Joe Brew compares the reality about security data in Barcelona with the increasing tweets about insecurity
Data analyst Joe Brew shows the contrast between the silence of the Spanish Socialists on the NGO Open Arms and their actions when they were not in government