Catalan writer Irene Solà wins 2020 EU Prize for Literature
The award recognizes the work of emerging fiction writers

The award recognizes the work of emerging fiction writers
2Africa cable funded by Facebook and telecom companies is due to be operational by 2023
Quim Torra calls for €4bn to tackle crisis and rules out calling elections for now
No large demonstration in Barcelona, but decentralized protests to take place across the country
99.4% fewer passengers at Barcelona airport in April than last year due to impact of Covid-19
AI believes Spain's Supreme Court ignored international human rights law by sentencing Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart to 9 years in jail
Compulsory confinement for foreign visitors and restrictions in ports and airports will be in effect at least until May 24
Quim Torra also requests for Spain to introduce economy measures, including a paid leave for families with children or dependent people
Barcelona only gets a few business trips and hotels allowed to open from Monday are not expected to do it
The bank account belonged to the Panamanian foundation Lucum, of which the present Spanish king was second beneficiary