Catalan political prisoners: no prison leaves for now

  • Certain rights will apply after serving a quarter of their sentence

VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency
11.12.2019 - 14:55
Actualització: 11.12.2019 - 15:55

Catalonia’s political prisoners, who last October were found guilty of sedition in Spain’s Supreme Court over the failed 2017 independence bid, have today been recommended to be classified into the medium prison regime. The recommendation was made without unanimity, but the medium category was the one that was preferred by the prison teams responsible for designating the term severity.

At 9 o’clock on Wednesday morning, the teams from the prisons of Lledoners, where the seven male inmates are all staying, Puig de les Basses, where Dolors Bassa is being held, and Mas d’Enric, where Carme Forcadell is detained, met up to decide what category they recommend for the prisoners .

Spain’s penal system is made up of three prison regimes, high, medium, and low (known as ‘primer grau,’ ‘segon grau,’ and tercer grau’ in Catalan), with the option of conditional release, with inmates categorized in one of the regimes depending on the seriousness of the offense, their level of intent, and their risk of harming others.

Prison leaves

Wednesday morning’s provisional decision on categorizing the inmates as ‘segon grau,’ the prisoners will be able to apply for certain rights after serving a quarter of their sentence, such as 36 days leave from prison every year, although such a decision could be challenged by the prosecutor.

Another option for the inmates in terms of leaving prison as ‘segon grau’ inmates is to find a job. The law allows for prisoners to leave prison for a few hours to work, although as the leaders are barred from public office this would have to be with a private organization.


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