Massive rallies for Independence, one more year

  • Close to one Million Catalans have rallied in Barcelona and four other cities

Toni Strubell
11.09.2016 - 19:55
Actualització: 11.09.2016 - 21:55

Close to one Million Catalans have rallied in Barcelona and four other cities to show their support for an independent Catalan republic.

Catalan National Day has been used the last four days to mobilize the masses in support of secession from Spain, which has said any referendum on the issue would be unconstitutional.  Since 2012, major demonstrations in favour of independence have been held in Catalonia every year on its national day on September 11.

In Barcelona the crowd assembled close to the Ciutadella park ahead of the rally and hold up yellow cardboard signs to simulate the beating of giant heart. Catalan legislative Assembly building is in this park.

Catalan president Carles Puigdemont has said he plans to propose a government-approved binding independence referendum to secede from Spain by next year.


La premsa lliure no la paga el govern. La paguem els lectors.

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