Catalan culture in quarantine times
A selection of links and activities related to museums, architecture, films, music and literature

A selection of links and activities related to museums, architecture, films, music and literature
The Catalan justice ministry is aiming to reduce the number of prisoners in jail
Measures should include moratorium in mortgages and credits, removing deficit limit, suspending taxes and payment of basic supplies and guaranteeing basic income
With football matches postponed, players and clubs offer their help in efforts to halt the spread of covid-19
They have signed the manifesto 'Festivals Stand United Across Europe'
Health authorities to double intensive care units by end of week and triple them next week
Public-private partnership will see daily production of 50 to 100 units for intensive care units
People should be able to stay home without worrying about their salaries, rents or mortgages, according to Quim Torra
Catalan and Spanish governments disagree over how to tackle coronavirus crisis
Move comes after harassment claims against former king Juan Carlos and that he received €100m from Saudi Arabia