Government to increase social spending and introduce tax reforms to obtain CUP's support to the budget
The Catalan Ministry for Economy and CUP have agreed on increasing social expenditure by 989 milions
The Catalan Ministry for Economy and CUP have agreed on increasing social expenditure by 989 milions
Baiget explained that the goal of his visit was to 'situate Catalonia as an investment destination for British companies or businesses settled in the UK that may consider at some point broadening their headquarters or moving to Continental Europe'
In 1979, along with members of Fuerza Nueva, he attacked socialist militants in Blanes
Last year Catalonia received 9.9% of the Spanish Government budget for transport infrastructure, despite Catalan GDP accounting for 18.9% of the total GDP of the state
The reform proposal was first announced by the PP leader in Catalonia, Xavier García Albiol, and was approved as a matter of urgency
The Catalan Government has described the arrest as 'outrageous'
Venturós is accused of ignoring the Electoral Roll Office’s warrants and maintaining aloft the pro-independence flag which hung on the façade of the Town Hall on two election days
The museum will display until the 5th of February 2017 some 70 works by 29 different Catalan artists
Catalan Minister for Territory and Sustainability, Josep Rull and lamented that only 4.2% of the 306 million euros due to be invested in Catalonia’s railway network has been carried out so far
Romeva insisted that 'the Spanish Constitution doesn’t impede holding a referendum' in Catalonia