Barcelona networking event welcomes international professionals

  • On 15 September with cocktails, food trucks, live performances and conferences

14.09.2022 - 09:25
Actualització: 14.09.2022 - 18:27

The annual gathering of Barcelona-based international professionals will  take place on 15 September in Montjuïc’s Paluaet Albeniz. Compared to previous years, the 9th edition of Hola Barcelona! returns without any pandemic restrictions. The day will feature a cocktail-networking session, food trucks, live performances and a space for internationals to share their stories and tips about settling in Catalonia.

According to this year’s organizers, Global Barcelona and the City Council, the event is an excellent opportunity to meet and connect with the international talent working in Barcelona. Previous editions have gathered more than 1,000 attendees, 70% of whom are managers, researchers, entrepreneurs, investors or creatives that have come to the city to develop their careers.

Global Barcelona is an association made up of more than 880 professionals and 227 of the city’s leading companies, research centers, entrepreneurs, business schools, universities, and cultural institutions. The company’s mission is “to make Barcelona one of the best places in the world for talent and economic activity.”

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