Barcelona – Pyrenees bid for 2030 Winter Olympics

  • Catalan president Torra says event could be 'first green' games in history

27.06.2020 - 13:18
Actualització: 27.06.2020 - 15:18

The Catalan government has endorsed a joint bid between Barcelona and the Catalan Pyrenees for the 2030 Winter Olympics. The city that hosted the 1992 games first aimed to host the 2022 winter version of them, but the project was delayed twice. Authorities are now determined to place an official bid for the 2030 edition.

On Friday, President Quim Torra supported the bid and said that the games could be the “first green games” in history. The Catalan leader said that the project has been designed “with scrupulous respect to the environment.”

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