Barcelona Supercomputing Center to build Southern Europe’s first quantum computer

  • Computer will be one of first to use European technology and will have a two-qubit microchip by 2022

Picture from Barcelona Supercomputing Center
10.12.2021 - 10:26
Actualització: 10.12.2021 - 11:26

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center, a public research center in the Catalan capital, will build Southern Europe’s first quantum computer, which is set to have a two-qubit microchip by 2022. This project will be one of the first to make use of European technology.

Researchers expect to be able to increase the number of qubits the computer has over time, although Alba Cervera, who is overseeing this project, has stressed the importance of quality over growth.

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center will also be home to the Marenostrum 5, which is set to become the most powerful computer at Barcelona’s supercomputing center.

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