Big Catalan political rally in Perpignan on February 29 authorized

  • The event will be attended by exiled president Carles Puigdemont and his deposed and also exiled ministers Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí



18.02.2020 - 13:37
Actualització: 18.02.2020 - 14:37

The prefecture has authorized the political rally of February 29 in Perpignan,  according to local Ràdio Arrels. The event will be attended by exiled president Carles Puigdemont and his deposed and also exiled ministers Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí. Consulted sources stated that only a few technical details have to be resolved. The rally will start at noon in the Exhibition Park (Parc de les Exposicions).

Authorization by state authorities has arrived after evaluating the fact that the event coincides with the municipal election campaign and the complex management of mobility due to the large amount of people who are expected.

Two weeks in advance, more than four hundred buses have been hired to travel to Perpignan, as well as three hundred motorhomes. All this suggests that more than 80,000 people will move to Perpignan, a size never seen before in the city. The North-Catalan delegation of the Council for the Republic recalls that the capital of Roussillon has 120,000 inhabitants and that there will be obvious mobility problems.

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