Catalan political prisoners to remain in jail until verdict is out

  • Spain's Supreme Court only allows them to be transferred back to Catalan prisons

VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency
21.06.2019 - 11:59
Actualització: 21.06.2019 - 13:59

Spain’s Supreme Court has ruled that the nine imprisoned leaders will have to remain in preventive detention until the verdict is out. It has decided to keep them in prison a week after the end of the trial’s last phase prior to sentencing.

These nine political prisoners have been in jail for their role surrounding the failed 2017 Catalan independence bid, some for more than 20 months while awaiting their case’s resolution.

While the imprisoned leaders had requested to be released now that the trial is over, the Supreme Court has decided that they will be able to be transferred back to prisons in Catalonia from the ones in Madrid that they are currently at.


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