Committee of Regions president says imprisonment of Catalan politicians offers no solution

  • Karl-Heinz Lambertz asks for dialogue and rejoices the end of Article 155

13.09.2018 - 09:53
Actualització: 13.09.2018 - 11:53

The president of the Committee of Regions, Karl-Heinz Lambertz, has asserted on Wednesday that the imprisonment of Catalan politicians does not contribute to a solution at all. “I am completely convinced that a conflict like that of Catalonia cannot be solved with either the police or the army” he said.

Lambertz took part in a reception of Catalonia’s National Day organized by the government delegation to the EU and was happy to see that “Catalonia is fully represented in Brussels again”.

Asked about the political situation Lambertz said that “it is evident that there is a need for dialogue between the Catalan and Spanish government”. He indicated that Europe “cannot fix the Catalan problem” but expressed hope that the “blocked” dialogue of recent years is reopened.

“The situation requires a lot of creativity and a lot of capacity for discussion and dialogue” he reiterated, also expressing that he rejoiced the “end of Article 155”, the recent imposed Spanish direct rule on Catalonia.

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