Defying Spain’s judiciary: Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí arrive together in Sardinia

  • Tomorrow, Catalonia's exiled President will testify before the court of Sassari

03.10.2021 - 10:12
Actualització: 03.10.2021 - 12:12

Catalan exiled President Carles Puigdemont landed this morning without any impediment at Alghero airport, the day before he will testify before the Sardinian court dealing with his extradition request. Unlike ten days ago, Puigdemont was able to enter without any problems and pass the passenger security control.

Surprisingly, former ministers and now exiled MEPs Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí also traveled and, like Puigdemont, were able to enter Italy without any problems. In fact, Italy had already informed Spain that it had no intention of arresting them if they traveled there. In the case of Comín, he arrived on the same plane as the president. Ponsatí arrived in Alghero yesterday. Ponsatí posted a picture of Alghero this morning:

According to the Catalan News Agency, several Italian police officers were waiting at the airport terminal and stopped Comín for a few minutes, but did not detain him after  checking his documentation. Puigdemont passed without problems and an agent greeted him effusively.

The director of the president’s office, Josep Lluís Alay, and lawyer Gonzalo Boye were waiting for them at Alghero airport, where the plane landed. Puigdemont will meet with his legal team today to prepare for Monday’s appearance in the Sassari Court of Appeals. Puigdemont’s defense is confident that Italian justice will close the case.

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