EU Court of Justice reminds about Junqueras’ immunity

  • On the Court's 68th birthday, they are looking back at the year's main highlights

Source: Court of Justice of the European Union

Toni Strubell

04.12.2020 - 11:15
Actualització: 04.12.2020 - 12:15

Coinciding with the decision of the Spanish Supreme Court to revoke the third degree and article 100.2 of the prison regime for Catalonia’s political prisoners, the Court of Justice of the European Union posted a tweet recalling that Oriol Junqueras has had immunity as an MEP since he was elected. On the Court’s 68th birthday, they are looking back at the year’s main highlights.

Following the ruling, the European Parliament initially included the name of Junqueras as a full Member of the European Parliament. But then his seat was left vacant when the Spanish Supreme Court sent him its particular interpretation of the ECJ decision. The Spanish court argued that Junqueras should remain in prison.


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