European Commission deems Pegasus espionage unacceptable

  • Brussels says that member states must investigate those cases

19.04.2022 - 14:38
Actualització: 13.06.2022 - 10:11

The European Commission deems unacceptable that any member state of the EU attempts to illegally access the data or communications of citizens, including journalists and politicians, through espionage software. In a general response to questions from journalists about the Pegasus cases taht affect several EU member states, spokesman Johannes Bahrke said that investigations were needed.

Bahrke said that states must monitor their security services to ensure that fundamental rights are respected, and they also have the duty to investigate allegations such as those that have arisen in recent days.

Following questions from some journalists on how member states can investigate practices that, a priori, they would have commissioned themselves, spokesman Eric Manner said that there is a separation of powers in the EU. “There are independent judicial systems that can do this investigation, and they are there to serve citizens” he said.

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