European Court of Human Rights finds Spain guilty of leaking ID photos of Catalan judges

  • Strasbourg institution says magistrates' right to privacy was breached when La Razón newspaper published their pictures

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has found Spain guilty of breaching some Catalan pro-referendum judges’ right to privacy when, in March 2014, Spanish newspaper ‘La Razón’ published their ID pictures in an article naming the magistrates who had signed a manifesto in favor of a vote on independence in Catalonia.

The case, which dates back to a few months before the non-binding November 2014 independence vote, concerns both the compiling of police reports on judges who were favorable to a referendum, as well as the leaking of their personal information to the press.

The court unanimously ruled on Tuesday morning that “the mere existence of the police reports, which had not been compiled in accordance with any law” contravenes Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, that is to say, the right to respect for private and family life.

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