Extradition hearing for Clara Ponsatí will take place tomorrow in Edinburgh

  • The court will have to consider whether the extradition process goes on in Scotland as the exiled Catalan MEP now lives in Belgium

25.08.2021 - 08:23
Actualització: 25.08.2021 - 10:23

Aamer Anwar, the lawyer for former Catalan minister Clara Ponsatí, who is now a MEP and lives in exile in Brussels, has announced that the hearing for her extradition will take place tomorrow, Thursday 26 August, at 10 am, in the Sheriff’s Court of Edinburgh.

“We will fight to the end and win” Anwar wrote. The court will have to examine at the hearing whether the extradition process goes on in Scotland, after Ponsatí’s defense informed the Scottish judiciary that she lives in Belgium.


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