Flemish Parliament shows support for Catalan Parliament

  • They ask the European Commission to investigate the case of Pau Juvillà, an MP who is being stripped of his seat by the Spanish electoral authority

Archive picture by the Flemish Parliament
03.02.2022 - 10:57
Actualització: 03.02.2022 - 11:57

The Flemish Parliament has unanimously passed a resolution asking the European Commission to investigate the case of Pau Juvillà, a Catalan MP for the left-wing pro-independence CUP party who was stripped of his seat by the Spanish electoral authority in January.  A High Court ruling in December considered Juvillà guilty of disobedience for not removing yellow ribbons from his office in the Lleida council during an election period.

In a tweet, the speaker of the Flemish Parliament, Liesbeth Homans (NVA), wrote that the democratic and political rights of Catalan MPs must be guaranteed and that Juvillà should remain an MP until there is a final ruling on his case. She also expressed her support towards the speaker of the Catalan Parliament, Laura Borràs, who has so far vowed to not take action to remove Juvillà, who is also a parliament bureau member, until the Supreme Court makes a final ruling.

According to the Catalan Parliament, the parliaments of Denmark and the Netherlands will also deal with the issue in their Foreign Affairs Committees.


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