Former president of Catalan National Assembly, Carme Forcadell, potential President of the Parliament

21.10.2015 - 07:01

Former president of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), Carme Forcadell, is the chosen candidate to be President of the Catalan Parliament. The agreement of cross-party list ‘Junts Pel Sí’, established that left wing pro-independence ERC would be in charge of choosing a candidate for President and Spokesperson of the Parliament, while liberal party CDC would designate the President of the Parliamentary group. Forcadell, responsible for the massive rallies on Catalonia’s National Day in 2012, 2013 and 2014, assured that she will try to make a Parliament “for everybody”, referring to anti-Catalan nationalism Ciutadans, Catalan Socialist Party PSC and alternative left coalition ‘Catalunya Sí que Es Pot’. According to ‘Junts Pel Sí’ top member Raül Romeva, Forcadell’s candidacy proves that the process “has already started”.

In a radio interview with Catalunya Radio this Tuesday former president of pro-independence civil society association Catalan National Assembly and number two of cross-party list ‘Junts Pel Sí’, Carme Forcadell, highlighted that it is the Parliament which has “the last say” on her selection.  However, she assured she is responsible for and committed to making the Catalan Parliament a place “for everybody” as it represents “the people of Catalonia”. She made this statement referring to anti-Catalan nationalism Ciutadans, Catalan Socialist Party PSC and alternative left coalition ‘Catalunya Sí que Es Pot’, those parties which don’t support Catalonia’s independence or at least haven’t made any clear statement on this issue, as is the case of ‘Catalunya Sí que Es Pot’.

Forcadell supports CUP’s presence in the Parliament’s Bureau

Forcadell also referred to the other main force which supports Catalonia’s independence and has as important representation in the Catalan Parliament, radical left pro-independence CUP.  “I respect their decision to stay outside of the institutions and the charges” she stated but admitted that “it would be good” to have them in the Parliament’s Bureau, as “they are a very important part in this process”.  “There were two parties that ran in the Catalan Elections with pro-independence proposals and it would be good if these two forces would be in the Parliament’s Bureau” she stated. However, Forcadell admitted that “whether they are in the Parliament’s Bureau or not, the CUP is deeply involved in this process”.

Raül Romeva: “This is getting serious”

‘Junts Pel Sí’ top member, Raül Romeva stated that Forcadell as a figure “generates great consensus” and “personalises in an exceptional way” that there has been “a democratic mandate”. Romeva highlighted Forcadell’s task at the front of “a very complex project”, such as the Catalan National Assembly, which therefore confirms that “her capabilities are proven and unquestionable”. The fact that Forcadell could be the next President of the Parliament shows that “the process has already started” and “there is a concrete roadmap” towards independence. “This is getting serious”, he concluded.

The distribution of the Parliament’s Bureau

The agreement of cross-party list ‘Junts Pel Sí’ established thatERC would be in charge of choosing a candidate for President and Spokesperson of the Parliament, while liberal party CDC would designate the President of the Parliamentary group. ERC’s Marta Rovira will most probably be designated as spokesperson of the Parliament, as she has provisionally developed this task, while waiting for the Parliament’s constitution. Regarding the presidency of the Parliamentary group, CDC’s Jordi Turull is the most likely candidate. The fourth seat on the Parliament’s Bureau would be occupied by another pro-independence representative, but it still remains to be seen whether it will be a CUP member or not. The other three seats are to be distributed amongst Ciutadans, PSC and ‘Cataluntya Sí que es Pot’.

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