Former Spanish electoral board member was paid by Ciudadanos

  • Catalan president to file complaint against consultant for bribery, breach of official duty and electoral crime

27.02.2020 - 13:16
Actualització: 27.02.2020 - 14:16

Andrés Betancor, a professor of constitutional law at Barcelona’s Pompeu Fabra University, was an advisor to unionist political party Ciudadanos and on their payroll while he was also a member of Spain’s electoral board between 2017 and 2019, Spanish online revealed.

Catalan president Quim Torra has announced that he will be filing a complaint against Betancor for bribery, breach of official duty, and electoral crime as he participated in decisive debates on elections taking place in Spain as well as handled appeals put forth by Ciudadanos on issues relating to Catalonia and the independence movement.

Betancor came to work for the electoral board at Ciudadanos’ proposal while preserving his post as advisor to the party and an office in Congress along with members of other political groupings.

Controversial decisions

The body Betancor was a member of until July 2019 has been behind a number of controversial decisions including declaring Carles Puigdemont, Toni Comín and Clara Ponsatí ineligible in the May 2019 European election – the Constitutional Court overturned this decision – or removing Torra’s MP seat in the Catalan parliament in January.

The Catalan president believes that Betancor himself could have had a hand in the case that led to his eventual disqualification and says the ties between Betancor and Ciutadans, “call into question all of the electoral board’s decisions over the past two years.”

Not only is the pro-independence camp concerned by’s revelations, however, but others have also expressed alarm, including Spanish government spokesperson María Jesús Montero, who called the relation Ciutadans had with a member of the electoral board “incomprehensible and very intolerable.”

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