France will keep border with Catalonia closed until June 21

  • Andorrans are able to travel to western Catalan Pyrenees from Friday, but not vice versa until the state of alarm is over

12.06.2020 - 14:18
Actualització: 12.06.2020 - 16:18

France will keep mobility restrictions in place at its borders with Catalonia and the Basque Country until June 21 while opening those with other neighboring countries on June 15, as reported by Agence France-Presse. This is a response to Spain’s decision to keep its land borders closed beyond June 15, the date on which the EU recommends lifting restrictions.

After a meeting with the Spanish government, the French home affairs ministry announced on Thursday that “the situation at the border will remain the same until June 21, with restrictions on both sides.” Madrid, however, stated that “nothing is final yet.” Yet, and despite the fact that the state of alarm in Spain ends on June 21, Spanish authorities have insisted that land borders with France and Portugal will only open on July 1.

Meanwhile, the Socialist-led government has decided to partially open its border with Andorra as of this Friday. Residents of the Pyrenean microstate will be able to cross the border but only travel within the western Catalan Pyrenees health region – but not the other way round. While Andorrans have “the same rights” of travel than those in the western Catalan Pyrenees, according to Spain’s ambassador in the country, those on the other side of the border will not be able to enter the microstate until June 21, when the state of alarm is lifted.

Germans in Balearic Islands

On Friday, Spain’s official gazette (BOE) established that from June 15, passengers on 47 flights from Germany to the Balearic Islands will not have to be under a 14-day quarantine, as is the case for all others arriving in Spain until July 1. These passengers will have to be residents of the country the flights take off from, that is to say, Germany. Both the islands and Germany will be required to have a Covid-19 ratio under 9 per 100,000 people over the seven days prior.

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