Guide to avoid trivializing Holocaust presented in Catalan parliament

  • Booklet is aimed at high school students and also focuses on groups such as republicans, women and LGBTQI+

02.11.2021 - 12:47
Actualització: 02.11.2021 - 13:47

The Catalan parliament has presented a new guide aimed at preventing the trivialization of the Holocaust and Nazism. The work, entitled ‘A practical guide to knowing more,’ also highlights the case and plight of republicans who were born in Catalonia, women, and other groups.

The booklet is aimed at high school students and aims to bring young people closer to the historical sources and teachings related to the Holocaust. Doctor of sociology and author of the document, Marta Simó, said that “in recent years” there has been an increase in “more radical groups” in society, and as such, the guide takes on even more relevance.

The document carries on the educational project launched by the Catalan chamber in 2016 on the genocide perpetrated against Jews. Laura Borràs, the parliament speaker, presented the “rigorous” and “understanding” work, which also covers the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses, people with disabilities, and the LGTBQI+ community, among others.

The presentation, which took place in the Parliament auditorium, was also attended by Dory Sontheimer, a relative of Holocaust victims and author of the book ‘The Seven Boxes’ which provided unpublished material to create the guide.

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