12.09.2018 - 09:42
Actualització: 12.09.2018 - 11:42
International media, with the significant exception of some Spanish newspapers, have reacted to yesterday’s massive pro-independence demonstration in Barcelona. Newspapers and televisions around the world highlight the massive and pacific mobilisation on Catalonia’s National Day.
Here is a selection of headlines:
The New York Times: Hundreds of Thousands of Catalans Rally for Independence in Barcelona
The Wall Street Journal: Catalonia Reminds Spain What Many Still Want: Independence
BBC: Catalonia ‘National Day’ rally draws million
ABC: Separatists launch ‘autumn of protests’ on Catalonia Day
Lusa: Um milhão de pessoas nas ruas de Barcelona pede a independência da Catalunha
Tageschau.de: Aufruf zu einem “Herbst des Protestes”
Helsingin Sanomat: Miljoona ihmistä lähti kaduille Barcelonassa – Kansallispäivän marssista tuli voimannäyttö itsenäistymisen puolesta
The Japan Times: One million protesters rally in Barcelona and again call for Catalan independence
The Guardian: A million attend rally in Barcelona to call for Catalan independence
France24: La démonstration des indépendantistes catalans dans les rues de Barcelone
Europe1 Catalogne : près d’un million d’indépendantistes manifestent à Barcelone
Le Figaro: Catalogne: démonstration de force des indépendantistes
TSF: Milhares marcham pela independência em dia da Catalunha
The Independent: Catalonia: Hundreds of thousands take to Catalan streets for first rally since independence bid
SBS News: Catalan separatists plan show of strength on Barcelona streets
Russia Today: 1mn march for Catalonia’s independence as referendum anniversary nears
The Irish Independent. Pro-independence Catalans demand release of jailed leaders
La 7: Catalogna, 9 mesi dopo la repressione arde ancora la protesta: un milione in piazza a Barcellona
EuroNews: Catalogna in piazza per l’indipendenza
ANSA: Barcellona, marcia per la Giornata nazionale della Catalogna
TVi24: Dia da Catalunha levou um milhão às ruas pela independência
FOX News: Separatists launch ‘autumn of protests’ on Catalonia Day
Des Taggspiegel: Hunderttausende Katalanen fordern Abspaltung von Spanien
MDR: Großkundgebung in Katalonien
Gulf Times: 1mn participants in Barcelona protest
Yonhap News: 바르셀로나 카탈루냐 분리독립 지지집회에 100만 운집
NBC: ‘Hundreds of thousands of Catalan separatists gather in Barcelona’
WATCH: Hundreds of thousands of Catalan separatists gather in Barcelona to celebrate the National Day of Catalonia, known as "Diada." pic.twitter.com/M2iJpPokdy
— NBC News (@NBCNews) September 11, 2018