International press highlights the pro-independence victory in the Catalan election

  • The headlines also refer to the consequences for Madrid and the Spanish government



15.02.2021 - 09:51
Actualització: 15.02.2021 - 10:51

The international press has followed the Catalan election night and highlights the victory of pro-independence parties, in many cases talking about the importance of having also won in percentage of votes. Here is a selection of headlines:

–Al Jazeera: Catalan separatists projected to win majority in regional polls
–Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ): Die Separatisten führen in Katalonien
–TAZ: Ein Ja für die Unabhängigkeit
–Agence Free Press: Espagne: les indépendantistes renforcent leur majorité en Catalogne
–Le Figaro: Catalogne: les indépendantistes renforcent leur majorité au parlement régional
–SudOuest: Catalogne : les indépendantistes renforcent leur majorité au parlement régional
–Ansa: In Catalogna rivincono gli indipendentisti
–Le Matin: Les indépendantistes renforcent leur majorité
–RTE (ràdio i televisió públiques d’Irlanda) Catalan separatists boost majority in regional parliament
–Reuters: Separatists headed for Catalan election majority, preliminary results show
–The Irish Times Separatists set for Catalan election majority, early results show
–Il Fatto Quotidiano: Elezioni Catalogna, vincono di nuovo gli indipendentisti: solo loro possono formare una maggioranza.
–SAPO: Independentistas reforçados na Catalunha apesar de Partido Socialista ser o mais votado
–Publico: Bloco independentista reforça maioria na Catalunha
–Berria: Independentistek gehiengo osoa izango dute parlamentuan
–Nós Diario: Resultado histórico do independentismo: supera o 50% dos votos e amplía a súa maioría absoluta no Parlament
–El País: El independentismo refuerza su mayoría pese al triunfo del PSC

More headlines here.

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