Jordi Savall becomes an honorary member of the Royal Philharmonic Society

  • The Catalan viola player and conductor is distinguished for his "contribution in the recovery of musical treasures"

02.02.2022 - 17:19
Actualització: 02.02.2022 - 18:19

The Royal Philharmonic Society has distinguished the Catalan viola player and conductor Jordi Savall as an honorary member of the entity for his “valuable contribution in the recovery of musical treasures that could have been lost without his mastery”. The Royal Philharmonic Society, created in 1813, is one of the oldest and most prestigious musical entities in Europe..

According to the CEO of the Royal Philharmonic Society, James Murphy, Savall has received this distinction for having preserved the legacy of the viola da gamba. “In your hands, historical music never sounds academic”, he told Savall.

The Royal Philharmonic Society created this honorary distinction in 1826 to recognize “service to music by exceptional musicians throughout history”. Pau Casals also received this distinction.


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