After protest campaign, Netflix incorporates first titles in Catalan

  • Films subtitled and dubbed in Catalan will be available in 190 countries

29.06.2022 - 17:21
Actualització: 29.06.2022 - 17:26

Netflix has incorporated a dozen titles in Catalan to achieve the main objective of the agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Catalan government. The platform will include seventy films in Catalan each year, according to the Minister of Culture, Natàlia Garriga. The announcement follows a successful campaign under the hashtag #NetflixEnCatalà, which invited Catalan subscribers to cancel their Netflix service on 23. June to protest the company’s attitude so far towards Catalan language.

For now, the film “The monster of the seas” (El monstre del mar) is offered in Catalan and the following films and series include Catalan subtitles: Choose or die, Anatomy of a scandal, Emily in Paris (season 1), The in between, Metal Lords, Along for the ride, The Incompatible 2 , Senior Year, Interceptor, and 365 days: that day.

In March, the Catalan government and Netflix reached a first commitment to promote the presence of Catalan in the service of the platform. This agreement, which also applies to Basque and Galician, provides that Netflix will include seventy films and series in all three languages ​​each year. All language options are funded by Netflix and are available in 190 countries where the service has subscribers.

Subtitles and dubbing will be added to the service as the films and series are officially released, and will remain on the platform permanently. The selection of titles, which will be added to the service until the end of the year, represents about two hundred hours of subtitled international films and series, and twenty hours of dubbed content for children and families.

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