09.09.2022 - 12:33
Actualització: 09.09.2022 - 12:35
Part of a new filming of the Netflix series ‘The Crown’ was due to take place in Barcelona in the coming days but has been suspended just hours after the death of Queen Elizabeth II. ‘The Crown’ staff was dismounting sets on Friday morning in the area of Jardinets de Gràcia, just north of one of the most iconic boulevards in the Catalan capital, Passeig de Gràcia.
In a statement, Barcelona’s culture institute (ICUB) explained that producers Palman Pictures and Left Bank have informed that the shooting has been suspended for Friday. Barcelona Film Commission also confirmed the news, insisting that as of Friday morning, only the sessions scheduled for Friday, but not so far for Saturday, have been suspended.
The setting included ads in French dating from 1997, the year Lady Di died in Paris, which increased speculation that the planned filming to depict the fatal car accident of the former wife of the new King of England, Charles III, in the French capital on August 30, 1997. One of the signs still left on Friday morning advertised Jean Racine’s play ‘Bérénice’, performed by the Compagnie Théâtrale Paris production company, running from June 3 to November 26, 1997.