Parliament to set up inquiry into Spanish police violence at 2017 referendum

  • Committee will assess 'repression and violations of fundamental rights'

20.07.2019 - 07:45
Actualització: 20.07.2019 - 09:45

The Catalan Parliament will set up an inquiry into the events surrounding the 2017 Catalan independence referendum and the subsequent Spanish police violence specifically assessing the “repression” that took place as well as the “violations of fundamental rights.”

The initiative, which was proposed by far-left CUP party and has received the support of Junts per Catalunya, Esquerra Republicana and En Comú Podem, will be registered officially in the coming days.

This inquiry will look into the “institutional violence” regarding the state’s response to the Catalan secession vote, establish political responsibility as well as study the damage that took place on the day and its consequences.

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