Peace, amnesty and self-determination: a possible way out to the Catalan crisis

  • Like the five demands of Hong Kong’s democratic movement, exiled Catalan minister proposes a plan with specific and short-term goals

21.10.2019 - 11:01
Actualització: 21.10.2019 - 13:01

Exiled Catalan minister Clara Ponsatí suggests that Catalonia’s independence movement should set three goals as a means for demonstrators to join forces. Inspired by Hong Kong’s democratic movement, her plan should help unite protestors and pro-independence groups around three shared objectives, thus strengthening their struggle.

Below is her full text:

Peace, amnesty and self-determination

A few weeks ago, during the interim between the end of the trial and the announcement of the verdict, whenever I was asked about the path we would go down on, my answer was always this: “Today it’s hard to choose the road that will lead us to freedom, but I am certain that Catalans will rise again and, when we do, we will achieve independence”. Well, we started last Monday. The people, young and old, have taken to the streets again. And they won’t quit until victory is achieved. They are fed up with the political parties and the ineffective Catalan government institutions, and they know that only the people will finish the job that we began in October 2017. And they are willing to do it.

That’s why we may have weeks, perhaps months, of mobilisation ahead of us. News outlets across the world will ask: What do Catalans want? What goals are being pursued by students who leave their classrooms, businesses that stop working and people of all ages and walks of life who take to the streets and occupy railway lines, train stations and airports? Why are they standing up to police violence? That’s why it is important that those who engage in protests share and endorse the same objectives for the Catalan revolt, even if they mobilise in different ways and to a different extent over time.

What do we want?

Let’s explain ourselves by referring to a three-point list of tangible, attainable objectives, one at a time. Anyone should be able to endorse them, regardless of their own personal position. These three goals shouldn’t be divisive, but they should cement true Catalan unity instead. The success of the five demands laid down by Hong Kong’s democratic movement and —why not— the historic four demands of the Assemblea de Catalunya [in the 1970s] could be useful precedents.

That’s why I have drawn up a specific proposal, entirely of my own making, with the understanding that you are all free to endorse (or not) the method, the proposal and its content.

Here it is:

The three demands of Catalonia’s democratic revolt

  1. Peace.  We want the occupation forces out of Catalonia. We demand the withdrawal of the Spanish police from Catalonia and the resignation of the Catalan interior minister. We demand the end of police brutality. We want police violence against the Catalan people to be thoroughly investigated and wish to see those responsible held to account.
  1. Amnesty.  End prison and exile. We demand amnesty for the Catalan political prisoners convicted by Spain’s Supreme Court and the immediate release of all the other political prisoners, the end of all judicial persecution of the independence movement and the safe return of our exiles.
  1. Self-determination.  We demand a self-determination referendum to validate the creation of an independent Catalan republic. The vote must be organised by the Catalan government with the agreement of the government of Spain and supervised by international authorities. We believe the European Union no longer has any legitimacy to oversee the situation in Catalonia, but we think that there are countries (in Europe and elsewhere) and international institutions that could validate the outcome of the vote, which should lead to the immediate proclamation of the Republic in the event of a Yes win.

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