Pope Francis insinuates that Spain should reconcile with Catalonia

  • “National unity will never be done without the basic reconciliation among peoples” he says in an interview



01.09.2021 - 15:15
Actualització: 01.09.2021 - 17:15

Pope Francis has been interviewed today by Spain’s Cope radio station and has been asked about the conflict between Catalonia and Spain. He replied that the Spanish state still has to “reconcile with its history” and that it is necessary to enter into a process of dialogue.

The interviewer, Carlos Herrera, asked him this question: “There have been some fractures, the referendum in Catalonia led to a delicate situation and you have said that sovereignty is an option that always ends badly. What attitude do you think we should take in the face of a break-up approach?”

And the literal answer by Pope Francis is as follows: “We must look at history. There have been cases of independence in history, in European countries, and there are some that are in the process of independence. Look at Kossove, and how this whole area is recovering. There are historical facts that are characterized by a series of particularities. In the case of Spain, Spaniards must decide. But the key for me right now in any country that has this kind of problem is to ask if they have reconciled themselves with the past and history. I do not know if Spain is completely reconciled with its history, especially the history of the last century. If it doesn’t, I think it needs to reconcile with it. This does not mean giving up positions but entering into a process of dialogue and reconciliation and above all fleeing from ideologies, which are those that prevent a process of reconciliation. National unity is a fascinating expression, it is true. National unity. But it will never be achieved without the basic reconciliation among peoples. And I think that any government, of whatever sign, should take charge of reconciliation and look at how to move forward as brothers and not as enemies, at least with this dishonest unconscious that makes me judge the other as a historical enemy. ”

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