Prime Minister of Slovenia criticises Spanish repression

  • The new 'Committee in support of Catalan political prisoners in Spain' met for the first time in Ljubljana

21.10.2019 - 16:29
Actualització: 21.10.2019 - 18:29

Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Sarec made a reference today about the repression of Spain against Catalan independence. “The situation in Catalonia is not comparable with the independence of Slovenia, but it is neither desirable nor permissible for a European state to solve problems with violence”, said Sarec according to the Slovenian news agency STA novice. His statement adds to a series of international reactions in previous days.

Also today, the Slovenian ‘Committee in support of Catalan political prisoners in Spain’ held its first meeting in the capital city of Ljubljana. Chaired by former Slovenian president Milan Kučan, the meeting drew 40 attendees in support of Catalonia’s political prisoners and to protest against “violations of democratic rights in Europe.”

According to Kučan, who served as president from 1991 to 2002, the serious infringement of human rights are not “an internal affair of state” because such rights are universal. In the meeting, the committee also condemned “repression, intimidation and imprisonment” as a means for resolving the political conflict between Spain and Catalonia. Calling for “open dialogue” to resolve the conflict, the committee warned that remaining silent on the jailing of the Catalan leaders is against “European democratic principles.”

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