Pro-independence supporters occupy EU building in Barcelona

  • ANC members lock themselves inside European Commision HQ in protest over upcoming trial of Catalan leaders

01.02.2019 - 22:06
Actualització: 01.02.2019 - 23:06

Members of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) occupied the headquarters of the European Commission and the European Parliament in Barcelona on Friday in protest over the upcoming trial of Catalan political leaders and to call for self-determination.

Various members of the pro-independence group entered the EU headquarters in the center of Barcelona and locked themselves inside, while dozens of others blocked the front doors to prevent anyone else from entering the building.

Soon after the occupation took place, the ANC posted messages on social media calling on sympathizers to join the protest, taking advantage of the fact that a lot of supporters were already in the area making their way to a demonstration called for Friday evening.

They also addressed a letter to the Commission president, Jean Claude Juncker and also cut some streets in the city. Several hundreds of protesters blocked the crossroads between Passeig de Gràcia and Provença, in the center of Barcelona. ANC activists plan to stay overnight and won’t leave the building at least until Saturday.

Eggs at public prosecutor’s office

Also this evening some 500 members of another pro-independence group, CDR, rallied in the center of Barcelona and threw eggs and paint to the HQ of Catalonia’s home affairs department and the Spanish public prosecutor’s seat in Barcelona.

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