Puigdemont meets with French MPs and senators in Paris

  • The Catalan exiled president also attended the screening of the documentary 'Avec un sourire, la révolution!'



17.09.2021 - 12:01
Actualització: 17.09.2021 - 14:01

Catalonia’s exiled president Carles Puigdemont met Friday morning with several senators and deputies in the French Assembly to talk about the political situation in Catalonia and the Spanish repression. The meeting was attended by MPs from the Libertés et Territoires group, La France Insoumise and Écologie Democratie Solidarité.

Puigdemont’s talk was followed by a debate with the audience. The case of Scotland and the United Kingdom was mentioned in contrast to the position of Spain, and Puigdemont qalso referred to the way how France has negotiated and agreed on the referendums in New Caledonia.

Yesterday, Puigdemont attended the screening of the documentary “Avec un sourire, la révolution!” together with director Alexandre Chartrand from Quebec and took part in the subsequent colloquium.

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