Madrid rejects pleas to advance curfew to 8 pm

  • Despite record infections, Spain's health authorities believe current restrictions will be able to curb third wave


VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency

22.01.2021 - 09:14
Actualització: 22.01.2021 - 10:14

The Spanish cabinet has ruled out allowing territorial authorities to extend the curfew to 8 pm, a measure requested by almost half of the autonomous communities as part of a wider effort to curb the third wave of the pandemic. “It’s not a matter of passing more and more restrictions, but properly enforcing the ones already in place and waiting for the results” said Spain’s health minister, Salvador Illa, after an online meeting with territorial leaders.

The minister acknowledged that the latest coronavirus figures are “not good.” On Thursday, Spain set a new daily record with 44.357 new cases, pushing the overall tally to 2,4 million since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.

The state of alarm decree approved last October imposed a Spain-wide curfew, allowing regional governments to fix its exact duration from between 10 pm to 12 am at night and 5 am to 7 am in the morning. But some parts of Spain have become increasingly dissatisfied with the tools at their disposal to fight the spread of the virus and worry that courts might overturn tighter restrictions if they lack the legal authority to enforce them.

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