Spanish court seizes bank accounts of Catalan leaders’ lawyer

  • To claim compensation for an expired crime he was convicted of 34 yeras ago and denies committing

07.02.2020 - 09:36
Actualització: 07.02.2020 - 10:36

Spain’s special high court Audiencia Nacional has decided to seize the bank accounts of  Gonzalo Boye, the lawyer of Catalan president Quim Torra, exiled president Carles Puigdemont and other pro-independence leaders in exile in Belgium. The reason is that he didn’t pay anything to entrepreneur Emiliano Revilla, kidnapped by ETA in 1986. Boye was convicted for this case but has always defended his innocence.

The Audiencia Nacional, in a decision that was not unanymous, has now determined that Boye had to pay a compensation to Revilla and that civil liability has not prescribed.

Many lawyers in Spain have raised their voices saying this is an arbitrary decision, contrary to all jurisprudence in similar cases.

Boye was already summoned to testify in October 2019 for alleged money laundering, with Spanish police searching his home and his office. His office in Madrid has also been stormed by strangers.

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