Spanish unionists march in Barcelona

  • Some of the demonstrators wore preconstitutional and fascist symbols

28.10.2019 - 09:47
Actualització: 28.10.2019 - 10:47

Spanish Unionists responded to the recent pro-independence protests following the sentencing of Catalan leaders with a rally in the center of Barcelona on Sunday. Aerial pictures and videos show that the attendance is not massive.

According to the local police, 80.000 people attended the unionist rally .The rally came a day after the umpteenth pro-independence protest against the imprisonment of politicians and activists involved in the 2017 referendum push, which gathered 350,000 supporters in Marina street according to the same local police.

The demonstration was called by anti-independence grassroots group Societat Civil Catalana (Catalan Civil Society), under the slogan ‘For concord, for Catalonia, enough’. Many people coming from Spanish regions like Madrid or Valencia gathered at one of Barcelona’s most iconic avenues, the Passeig de Gràcia. Some of the demonstrators wore preconstitutional or fascist symbols, a fact that didn’t seem to bother too much the Spanish police officers.


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