Three women-led Catalan companies selected by European Commission to boost deep-tech innovation

  • A total of 50 women-led European companies will get funding, mentoring and networking opportunities

Barbara Buades, cofounder of MEETOPTICS
02.03.2022 - 10:01
Actualització: 13.06.2022 - 10:14

The European Commission announced on Wednesday the results of the first call under the new Women TechEU pilot programme, supporting deep-tech start-ups led by women. Among the 50 selected companies 3 are from Catalonia: Bytelab solutions, Meetoptics Labs and Blue Box biometrical solutions. The call is funded under the European Innovation Ecosystems work programme of Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme.

Women TechEU is a new initiative of the European Union. The scheme offers grants, worth 75.000EUR each, are intended to support the initial steps in the innovation process and the growth of the company. It also offers mentoring and coaching under the European Innovation Council (EIC) Women Leadership Programme, and EU-wide networking opportunities.

Projects will start in spring 2022 and are expected to run for 6 to 12 months. The women leaders will be enrolled onto the European Innovation Council’s Women Leadership Programme for tailored coaching and mentoring activities.


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