Travellers to Catalonia will have to do a 14-day quarantine

  • Compulsory confinement for foreign visitors and restrictions in ports and airports will be in effect at least until May 24

12.05.2020 - 09:20
Actualització: 12.05.2020 - 11:20

The Spanish government is imposing a 14-day quarantine for everyone entering its borders, as stated in its official gazette (BOE) on Tuesday. The measure will come into force on May 15, and will be in effect until the state of alarm is over, that is, May 24 at 12 am if it is not extended for a fifth time.

For two weeks, travelers will have to stay at home or where they lodge, limiting their movements to basic activities, such as buying necessary products, health reasons, or force majeure. Those crossing the border into Spain will be obliged to wear a face mask and will have to comply with hygiene and safety measures.

Cross-border workers, drivers and crew, as well as health workers will be excluded from this rule, as long as they have not been in contact with any coronavirus diagnosed people.

Travel agencies and transport companies will have to inform its clients of these measures before confirming the sale of tickets to Spain, and airlines will have to hand passenger location cards to their customers, which will have to be completed by travelers to Spain when they land.

Restriction in ports and airports

The BOE on Tuesday also restricts the entry to ports and airports to Spanish nationals, residents in Spain, and those who arrive for work reasons. The measure also affects the Schengen area, so it will be communicated to all EU member states, the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the European Council.

Those excluded from the rule include cross-border workers, health workers, cargo workers, diplomats while working, elderly people, carers who travel to do their job, and those arguing force majeure.

Restricting access to these infrastructures was requested by the Catalan government in mid-March. This measure will also come into effect on May 15 and will last until May 24, when the state of alarm ends, but it can be extended.

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