US organization helps American expats vote in Catalonia

  • American Democrats is an organization with groups across the globe

04.03.2020 - 12:37
Actualització: 04.03.2020 - 13:37

Americans are heading to the polls. Having started in February, and lasting for the next few months, the various states and territories of the United States will vote in primaries and caucuses to pick the Democratic nominee to take on Donald Trump in the November presidential election.

Democrats living in Catalonia are also having their say on who will be on autumn’s ballot paper. Democrats Abroad is an official arm of the Democratic Party, representing millions of people living outside the United States. They aim to give a voice to all the Americans living outside their home country regarding who represents them in the oval office.

This very organization held a voting and registration event in the city center of Barcelona on Tuesday, March 3rd. This is a day in the primary voting process known as ‘super tuesday’ due to the primaries vote taking place in various states simultaneously.

Sitges and Barcelona

The group has 44 different committees around the world, helping eligible voters across the planet participate in the political process.

As well as presidential primaries, the group is also hosting events in Sitges to help voters fill out their online ballots to vote in state primaries. These events are taking place on Thursday March 5th, and Saturday March 7th.

Anybody wishing to take part in the primary on Saturday, March 7th, can simply come to El Foro Restaurant in the Barcelona neighbourhood of Born, as Democrats Abroad permits same-day registration for voters who want to have their say.

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