[VIDEO] Borrell uses the conflict in Ukraine to mock Puigdemont

  • "Thank God, Zelensky is not the kind of leader who escapes hidden in a car" said the European diplomat's top official

01.03.2022 - 15:39
Actualització: 13.06.2022 - 10:14

The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell,  used the conflict in Ukraine to mock Catalan exiled president Carles Puigdemont on Monday. In a press conference following the virtual meeting of European Defense Ministers, Borrell said, in a veiled allusion to Puigdemont: “Thank God, Zelenski is not the kind of leader who escapes hidden in a car. He will stay there [in Ukraine] resisting”. He said this in response to a question from an Italian journalist about Europe’s dependence on the Russian energy sector.

In his book “The Catalan Crisis. An opportunity for Europe”, published in 2018, Puigdemont explains that, after declaring independence in the autumn of 2017, he left Catalonia by car. But he denies that he was ever stuffed in a trunk, a statement he described as ridiculous. “I sat in the car and traveled all over France, all the way to Belgium” he writes in the book.

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