[VIDEO] Catalan MEPs ask EU for protection against Pegasus spyware

  • Diana Riba criticizes the blocking of the European Parliament mission to Spain

13.09.2022 - 09:50

Catalan MEPs Carles Puigdemont (Junts i Lliures per Europa) and Diana Riba (ERC) warned the institutions of the European Union on Monday that spying with software like Pegasus is a serious attack on democracy and rights and that it is necessary to react. “The lack of transparency of the member states and the lack of forcefulness of the European institutions when it comes to demanding responsibilities and taking measures to protect European citizens is inadmissible”, said Riba, who criticized the blocking of the mission to Spain by the European Parliament committee investigating the use of Pegasus in the EU.

Catalan exiled president Puigdemont said that the cases of espionage show that the democratic evolution of the EU is “threatened from within”. “Under the pretext of national security, political certainty will disappear”, stated Puigdemont in a plenary debate on the espionage cases in Greece.

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