[VIDEO] Catalan president Torra, after being ousted: ‘Citizens of Catalonia, push’

  • The president assures that his disqualification is 'once ordered by the judges' and asks the citizens to turn the elections into a plebiscite

28.09.2020 - 17:39
Actualització: 28.09.2020 - 19:39

The President of the Catalan government, Quim Torra, has made an official statement accompanied by his ministers after receiving notification of Spain’s Supreme Court’s ruling confirming his disqualification. “Citizens of Catalonia, it is to you that I owe myself as president”, he said, after stating that his ousting is a “blow ordered by the judiciary” and assuring that “the irregularities to depose a president will find a fair trial in Europe”. In this sense, Torra has asked the audience to turn the next elections – which will be held on January 31 or February 7 – into a plebiscite. “Citizens of Catalonia, push”, he advised.

He also used English in the final part of the statement to reach the international audience:

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