Council of Europe members denounce Spain's violation of fundamental rights
'We consider that it is through dialogue and not repression that a solution can be reached' reads a written statement

'We consider that it is through dialogue and not repression that a solution can be reached' reads a written statement
They don't want to create internal division in the europarlamentary group
Representatives from the Greens and from EFA will meet tomorrow to discuss the matter
The European Parliament states that the rule of law in Poland and Hungary has worsened
The report highlights the high sentences for 'non-violent acts' related to the Catalan referendum
The prestigious magazine forecasts that he will take Catalonia's independence struggle into the European Parliament
'In this empty office there are 1,257,484 votes that are not being properly represented' writes MEP Diana Riba
EU court annuls decision preventing them from becoming MEP
Foreign newspapers and news agencies give echo to the "Spain Sit And Talk" campaign
Russian channel Editor-in-Chief says she doesn't know who did it