Puigdemont and Torra to speak in Brussels today despite Tajani censorship
EU Parliament vice-president states the conference was cancelled there due to political pressure

EU Parliament vice-president states the conference was cancelled there due to political pressure
The song and a music video are an initiative of the pro-independence grassroots movement Catalan National Assembly (ANC)
VilaWeb has obtained documents which Spanish ambassadors have sent to top international media to give their version of the trial against Catalonia’s independence process
Spain’s judiciary is also gearing up to oppose the pro-independence narrative during the trial
In a statement, the institution criticises the Spanish repression against Catalonia's independence movement, artists and social net users
Five hundred singers and a professional orchestra will perform Händel’s Messiah tomorrow outside the prison of Lledoners
Among the signatories are the vice-president of the European Parliament, Heidi Hautala, and the speakers of the parliaments of Wales, Flanders, Faroe Islands and the Basque Country
During the Champions League match against Tottenham
Slovenia summons Spanish ambassador to warn him not to identify their way to independence with violence
The plenary reminds that there are five EU states that have not recognised the Balkan republic yet