Overturning of bullfighting ban in Catalonia outrages 37 MEPs from different parties and countries
According to the 37 MEPs bullfighting 'doesn’t deserve to be legal'

Second day of Spanish investiture debate centres on Catalonia's push for independence
Rajoy will have to wait until Saturday to be elected President, as the politician lost the first vote

Barcelona gives Franco the boot: the outcome we deserved
«The entire operation has been a monumental blunder from start to finish, shining a spotlight on the shortcomings of Barcelona’s local government»

ECR's leader in the Eurochamber warns that without a referendum in Catalonia 'problems will continue'

Catalan Supreme Court to proceed with case against Forcadell
Forcadell reiterated that she 'will always defend that in the Parliament we must be able to speak of everything that affects the citizens'

Catalan Socialists 'to disobey' PSOE and say ‘no’ to Rajoy investiture
Catalan leader, Miquel Iceta, admitted that PSOE 'has the right' to reconsider the relationship with PSC

Latvian MEPs criticise Spanish Government expulsion of Counsellor
Vinyals will no longer perform the functions of the Honorary Consulate of Latvia in Barcelona, after almost ten years, because the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has unilaterally withdrawn from him the accreditation with exequatur status

Catalan exports rose a record 13.8% in August
Catalan sales of goods abroad accounted for 25.6% of the total of Spain

Videos of the destruction of the controversial statue of Franco
The Town Hall has removed the remains of the statue in the early morning and claims that it will not install it again

Government guarantees bullfighting won’t return to Catalonia 'regardless of the Constitutional Court'
'We have the power to regulate and it is very easy to make these shows which imply death and animal torture impossible', stated the Catalan Minister for Territory and Sustainability, Josep Rull