Ada Colau says she would support independence if it won a majority on 27th September

19.08.2015 - 13:54
Actualització: 13.06.2022 - 09:52

The mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, has pledged to support the independence process if the pro-sovereignty forces win a majority in the elections on 27th September. ‘This municipal government will always side with the democratic decision of the people of this city and of Catalonia, whether in these elections, in a referendum or in any other democratic consultation,’ she stated in an interview with the SER Catalunya radio station.

Colau did not make clear whether to give this support for the independence of Catalonia it would be enough for Junts pel Sí and the CUP to win a majority of seats or whether she would also insist on a majority of votes: ‘We would have to consider that at the appropriate time.’

Colau did not talk about plebiscite elections but did state that the poll would be ‘exceptional’, as a consequence of ‘an arrogant, overbearing attitude’ on the part of the Popular Party that currently governs Spain.

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