Barcelona, ​​Harley-Davidson capital

  • Harley Days, which opens today and runs until Sunday, will bring to the city 20,000 motorcycles from all over the world

03.07.2015 - 17:09
Actualització: 13.06.2022 - 09:54

This weekend, Barcelona will host the seventh edition of Harley-Davidson’s largest urban event in Europe—Barcelona Harley Days. The event, which will take place at the Fira de Barcelona venue in Plaza España, is expected to draw one million visitors and 20,000 bikes from all over the world.


Sunday, in what will be among the event’s most spectacular attractions, thousands of motorcycles will parade through the streets of Barcelona in a thirteen kilometre circular route. Participation is open to all motorcycle brands and models, so any bike owner can join this peculiar spectacle on wheels. Last year more than 13,000 motorcycles took part in the parade, and similar participation is expected this coming Sunday.

Over the course of the weekend, there will be various Harley-Davidson-themed activities, including guided tours of Barcelona and other attractions such as the monastery of Montserrat, the Maresme coastal region, the beach town of Sitges, and the Penedes vineyards. There will also be concerts, exhibits featuring classic Harley-Davidson bikes and a few novelties from the legendary brand.

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