Catalans abroad on the move: the international responses to the ‘Via Lliure’

  • Poland, Quebec, Argentina, Holland, Germany and Ecuador have already formed giant human arrows · The foreign assemblies of the ANC have called for demonstrations in the main cities of the world

25.08.2015 - 00:23
Actualització: 13.06.2022 - 09:53

The preparations for the independentist demonstration on the Meridiana Avenue on the eleventh of September are taking place abroad at the current time. Just as in past years before the Diada national day, the international delegations of the Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC) have convened all kinds of events in cities of the world leading up to the Barcelona meeting. In most cases, the aim is to form a giant arrowhead to symbolically point to the ‘Via Lliure cap a la República Catalana’ (Free Way to the Catalan Republic). The first to do so have been the Catalans in Poland, Quebec, Germany (Berlin), Ecuador (Quito), Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Holland (Amsterdam).

There are around forty international events planned, which focus mainly on the coming Sunday, 30 August. There will be more above all in the United States. In seventeen North American cities there has been a call to form an arrowhead. On the same day there will be formations in New York, Washington, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Houston, Dallas, Cincinnati, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, Boulder, Tempe and Portland.

A specific section for Catalans abroad

The ANC has provided a specific section of the Via Lliure on the Meridiana Avenue in Barcelona for the Catalans abroad travelling to Catalonia for its national day, or ‘Diada’. They suggest they register for section 53, which is on the crossroads between the Meridiana and Carrer Espronceda.

Below you can consult the list of foreign demonstrations planned for the Eleventh of September:

—Szczecin: July 29
—Warsaw: August 2, 17.30
—Québec: August 18, 17.30
—Quito: August 23, 11.00
—Paraná (Entre Ríos): August 23, 11.30
—Buenos Aires: September 5, 15.00
—Amsterdam: August 23, 16.30
—Berlin: August 23, 17.00
United Arab Emirates
—Dubai: August 28, 18.00
—Bern: August 28, 16.00
United States of America
—Dallas: August 30
—Boulder: August 30
—New York: August 30
—Houston: August 30, 10.00
—Seattle: August 30, 10.30
—Washington: August 30, 11.00
—Boston: August 30, 11.00
—Los Angeles: August 30, 11.00
—San Francisco: August 30, 12.00
—Cincinnati: August 30, 13.00
—Miami: August 30, 16.00
—Atlanta: August 30, 16.30
—Chicago: August 30, 16.30
—Minneapolis: August 30, 16.30
—Oklahoma City: August 30, 17.00
—Portland: August 30, 17.00
—Phoenix: August 30, 17.30
—Brisbane: August 30, 11.00
—Canberra: August 30, 11.00
—Santiago de Chile: August 30, 11.30
—Bogotá: August 30, 11.00
—Montréal: August 30, 11.30
—Pirámides de Teotihuacan: September 5, 10.30
United Kingdom
—London: September 5, 12.00
—Manchester: September 6, 16.00
—Brussels: September 6, 12.00
El Salvador: September 6, 12.00
—Oslo: September 6, 13.00
—Edinburgh: September 6, 16.00
—Paris: September 6, 17.00
Euskal Herria:
—Bilbao: September 8, 19.00

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